Saturday, March 9, 2013

We Are (part 2)

     At that moment, the door is flung open. I snap to attention and turn to face a human boy of perhaps nineteen or so. In both arms he cradles an assortment of what I believe to be folded foods wrapped in tinfoil. He looks at me, then at the man, then back to me.
"Holy crap, she's awake!"
I raise my gun and aim it at his forehead. He immediately raises his arms above his head, dropping the wrapped things in the process. They litter the floor, but he seems otherwise preoccupied.
"Guys, she's awake! Are you seeing this?!"
The man, on the other hand, seems to fear for the boy's safety. He takes a step towards me but stops when I look at him.
"Don't," the man says, "He's one of us. He doesn't want to hurt you, either."
       I tighten the grip on my gun. "Why should I trust you? How do I know this isn't a trick?"
"Holy crap, she speaks English!" The boy exclaims excitedly. I stare at him. He, like the man, acts completely unaware of the fact that he has a gun trained on him, but instead of the man's calm manner, the boy seems to be enjoying himself quite thoroughly. He wears a broad smile under a ski-sloped nose, and he stares at me with enormous shiny green eyes.
"Please," the man says. He's a bit closer to me now, and almost seems to reach out to me. "We mean no harm. We want to help you. Just lower the weapon."
And, slowly, I do, and surprise myself in the process. These humans are so different, unlike the many that I'd seen before. These aren't ruthless warriors trying to kill my people. They're just...curious.
The boy lowers his arms and just kind of stares at me as I sit on the end of the mattress. Then he hurries to my side and sits cross-legged there, looking up at me.
"You're amazing," he says in wonder. I glance at him warily, not seeing him as a threat as much as a nuisance. The man seems to notice my reaction and says, "Parker, don't crowd her. I don't think she's able to trust us yet."
         The boy, Parker, meets my eyes. "You don't have to worry about us. We're all about peace, the three of us. Peace and research and such: that's what we live for. Wow, you seriously look like you just stepped out of a 'Tron' comic."
"Parker," warns the man. The boy waves him off.
"Chill, Dr. Harres, she doesn't mind, do you?" He then raises an eyebrow, "You are a girl, right?"
He ignores his own question and instead begins asking a string of them. I can't seem to answer any of them, but this doesn't seem to disappoint him much, seeing as he isn't exactly giving me a chance to reply in the first place.
"Parker, for Heaven's sake, stop," the man, Dr. Harres, finally says. The boy does, and the three of them just seem to look at me. I glance between them.
"Why are you staring at me?" I ask at last.

(ugh, i really don't even know what i'm doing at this point. I'm so sorry)

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