Saturday, May 11, 2013

Two More Hours...

So, I'm not quite sure how this post will turn out. I'm just kinda....yeh.
HALLO! I'm Liz and I'm going to die today!
Well, most likely. Pops concert is in two hours, and...I don't think it's gonna go too well. We have a bunch of songs and didn't have a lot of time to practice. So I don't think it's going to be as good as Mr. Green thinks it's gonna be. He'll most likely kill us.
But, at least we have like FIVE FREAKING HOURS to practice. Then he plans for the concert itself to be like...two to three hours I think?
Last night was pretty good. I got to go see Iron Man 3 with Dawson, Nathan, and a bunch of other friends. That was fun. I met a young British gentleman who was...interesting.
Yeh. And I'm kinda depressed, because I actually had the guts to do something and it...didn't happen the way I wanted it to.
I mentioned in another post that my choir is going to perform On My Own from Les Mis, and the first line and the "i love him" part at the end were made into solos, and auditions for that solo were Wednesday. There were, like, seven girls up there already. Page was one of them. At first, I wasn't going to go up. Then, at the last second, I went up.
We had to sing it by ourselves, alone, in front of THE WHOLE FREAKING CHOIR. I was terrified. There were I think four, maybe five girls before me, and the majority of them were so nervous that it they didn't sound as good as they usually do. Page was next to me. She went, then I went.
I just did my best. I kinda zoned out while doing so, and I know I was blushing. I heard whispers around me and from the choir, and I thought it was because I sounded bad. I felt like crying. But I finished and so did the other girls, and I went back to my seat.
Where a bunch of girls were grinning at me.
They said I sounded great!! I'm not even kidding, they were really surprised that I sounded like that! Mr. Green and his assistant were trying to figure out who would get the solo, and it wasn't me. We sang the song again with the girl who did get it, and afterwards, the girls in my section were like "That should have been you, you should have gotten the solo."
I was ecstatic. I never really felt like I fit in there, and now they were cheering me on!
Then Kira came over from her section and just stood there looking at me. I asked her what it was, and she said,
"Like, all the altos think Mr. Green should have given you the solo."
But yeh. A 9th grader got it. My mom seemed mad about that. Personally, I think the girl who got it uses too much vibrato, but it's Mr. Green's choice not mine.
And now for GIFs, because GATSBY
Yes Gatsby was brilliant as frick. But

I used to like Captain America.
But then.
Iron Man.
Probably the number one reason I loved Iron Man 3 is that when people talk about Iron Man, they just talk about him being a cheater or something because he only is awesome in his suit, but the third movie was him in the suit and being awesome out of the suit, and I really liked that.
Cuz he's great.
I should get ready or something.
Liz out.
Iron Man.

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