The internet lied to me.
I'm not even going to bother cleaning this post up.
Why, internet, why.
omg what did i just find
Harry, you have your mother's eyes.
wat even
that cheered me up
okay, now I'm sad again. This pic reminds me of baby Gavroche.

Julia, if you're reading this, forgive me for inducing unneeded feels.
Don't cry, Gavroche.
Little Gavroche.
Never kick a dog because he's just a pup.
Fun fact. I've lived with Les Mis in my life for about six years, and when I was younger I thought that Gavroche and baby Cosette had a thing.
Come on, I'm not the only one thinking that it would be freaking adorable. I mean...
THink of the babies these two would make.
OMG so cute.
Anyway, I should probably get off now.
Aves out.
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