Wednesday, December 12, 2012

17. My writing habits and mishaps

Hello!! Ash here. So if you're reading this you may or may not have read something else from my blog, and you know by now that I'm all about random spazzy subjects :P You may also be wondering about some of my habits, for instance:
 ~The fact that I put italicized lines on the tops of some of my stories. If you didn't guess it, these are lyrics. Why do I put them there? Well, I get a lot of my inspiration from music, and usually said inspiration for a certain story has its own song, so I put the lyrics at the top because it sometimes sets the mood and such. If you want the name of a particular song, have no hesitation to ask. :)

Another habit~ I enjoy writing constantly about a boy and a girl. Forgive me if this just isn't your favorite type of story to read, but I really have fun writing them. Honestly, I'm not really sure why, I just do. :)

I sometimes feel like my writing is more fit for something like a screenplay or something, what with my lack of conflict and action and such. But I can't change the way I write : /

On that note, I'm probably condemning myself to no-sleep for all of these extended stories. But I assure you that they won't be abandoned, so just keep waiting for the next part :)

Welp, it's late and I have to get up early. Farewell, until morning light.

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