Wednesday, April 17, 2013

It Has Been Totally Awesome

I apologize for all the angst-y posts I've had lately, but this one....I MUST SHARE THESE FEELINGS.
Why do I purposely make myself depressed? Did I know watching A Very Potter Senior Year would make me sad? Most likely. But did I watch it anyway?
Heck yeah!
So, yes, now I'm depressed.
I kinda wish I'd finished reading the script first, because I was far from prepared for stuff like
That made me sad. The whole thing did! The LAST ONE. And it was just perfection. Complete perfection. I cried here and there. Okay, a lot.
Because, they were babies in the first one! Starkid babies!! ALL OF THEM.
So now they've gone from total babies:
 To babier babies:
But then again, Hermione changed. I thought I wouldn't like her, but she was okay. Darren was perfect, as usual. And Joey...I just:
Joey's so great. 
It was amazing, though. It was, even if it was just a reading and not totally legit like the other two. Of course, the lacking of Snape was depressing, but then again Voldemort always makes them great. I love Joe Walker.
It's over. 

Merlin is really good at providing me with crying gifs.
That last one wasn't Merlin....thank goodness.

...I need a hug.
Thanks guys. 

But I'll be okay. I'll be looking forward to future Starkid productions.
The Very Potter series has a special place in my heart, and there are very few times where I've laughed so much. It was a great ride, dear Starkid. Thank you. 

There. I said it. 


Monday, April 15, 2013


So, yes, turns out we ARE singing Les Mis in choir, but only On My Own, so you know what that means.
But the tempo is way off, so Kira, Page and I are ranting about it. But still, I'm, like the only one in my section singing, so I'm like:
 and they be like
Also, they make it MORE SAD, if that's possible, cuz they got friggin Marius in the background like "she thinks I'm blind but still I say there's a way for us" and I'm like 
and now a word from our frustrated alto, Page:
ERRRRG! they wont let us poor altos sing the right part! but i sang it anyway. i know. ima rebel.

Thank you, Page. and now a word from Kira, our other frustrated alto:
HI IM COOL AND I AM BLUE*STAR. that is all. oh les mis ftw.

I love you two. I just kinda:
That gif is called "Grantaire lovingly stroking Enjolras' neck". I think it is well named.

~Love Squiggs, Kira, and Page

Saturday, April 13, 2013

42, Symmetry and John Farnham

Hey guys. So, below is a print screen that I took approximately forty six seconds ago. (jk it's been like a minute but who's counting).
As you can see, I was looking at one of the first posts I've ever made on here, and was enjoying Colin and Bradley and their amazing lip syncing that I almost didn't notice THIS.
Here's the print screen.

Books, Iron Man and a Place to be Me

I don't really know how to begin this, or what to name it. I'm just kind of thinking. About stuff. About people. About anything, really. 
I made a space on my bookshelf for Goblet of Fire. It's tucked nicely between the U.S. printings of Prisoner of Azkaban and the Goblet of Fire I'd already had. When I collect all of the other printings, I'll most likely sell my other ones to some unfortunate soul who doesn't already own them.
My dad asked me the other day if I'd be interested in selling some books, and I told him I'd think about it. So, I just spent the last forty minutes deciding which books I'd like to part with. Most of them are books I've read and hold little interest in reading again, like Evermore and Witch and Wizard and the single Lying Game book that I have. I was flipping through one called Eye of the Oracle, a sizable book that I'd read a while ago but didn't fully understand. Inside, on a page near the end, I found, I kid you not, a 'scratch and sniff' sticker. It was small, a kind of reddish pink. So I did as it told me and scratched and sniffed, and it smelled of some kind of fruit. 
My Iron Man sign is hanging over my desk, and it will most likely bug my mum to death, because out of all the flowers, roses, orange and delicate pale colors of my room, BAM IRON MAN. Then again, she barely had any rejection to the Doctor Who poster on the back of my door. 
She makes me laugh sometimes. When my sister moves out, I'm taking her room. Mum said I could pick out new paint and everything, but says she wants it to be 'sensible', or at least, something close to that. I think she's picturing pale purple walls, maybe, with a cream bedspread, and framed pressed flowers on the wall, stuff like that. That's not what I want. I want a place I can be at peace, with things that I like. I want posters on the wall, a separate place in the corner where I can sit and read and be away from the world. That's why I want that room. It's on the farthest side from the house, away from the noise and everything. The room I have now is right by the stairs, in between the laundry room and the bathroom, the two nosiest places on the second floor. 
What I really want to do when I get Kate's room, what I want to do right now but am forced to wait...I'm going to get the largest piece of white paper I can find and tape it to the wall, or I might paint one wall white, and I'm going cover it with anything I want. Lyrics, drawings, notes from friends, pictures, whatever. That's what I want to do.
I'm probably gonna be here for another three years anyway.
That's been bothering me, too. Everyone I know is talking about one thing: college.
Where are you gonna go? Are you excited about College Fair?! What do you want to do with your life?
I want to go to Appalachian. I want to be a writer, or an English teacher, or a creative writing teacher. I want to teach ninth grade, or tenth grade, or elementary. I want to share my ideas with someone without regretting it. I want to be able to tell people things without worrying how they might take it.
I don't want to go to Wake Tech. But I don't think I have any other choice. 

Ams't I Bovvered?

I don't know. You know when you have the choice to do something good, but you...don't do it? Well, there was this retreat or something at his church this weekend, and I decided not to go. I decided I didn't want to go. He went. My sister went. I think Tess went. But like I said, I didn't want to go.
  It's just something about church. It makes me feel weird. Sure, at times, it can be amazing. Camp is amazing. But that's the thing. I know people at camp. I'm able to make new friends there. So why can't I do that at his church?
  It's different. At first, it was amazing. I was happy. Tess was great. But now, it seems harder to talk to her, when she's even there at all. I wish I could talk like that to Carly, but I don't know what to say. I like Carly. But I just don't know.
  He asked me why I wasn't going. I didn't want to make something up. I felt like it would be wrong. So why am I feeling so guilty? Because I can't make friends? I want to be with him.
   How could I not.
   But I wouldn't just be with him. We're always separated. I'd have my sister, but I don't think I would've had fun there. I'm having fun here, with Kira.
I got cool stuff at the flea market. I got a sparring bokken, which I'm FREAKING about. I got an antique Iron Man sign, which is brilliant. The guy who sold it to me gave me a free Iron Man comic book from 1979, which is freaking awesome. I got the original Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire to add to my collection.
Over all, a pretty good day. Might go kayaking when I get home.
But I'm still feeling a little guilty. Why? Because I can't make friends? I'm not good at talking to people? I wish talking to people was as easy as writing like this. If I could just write like this and fix everything, that would be close to brilliance. But for now...I think I'm okay. I have Kira. She's awesome. I bovvered?

Nah. I think I'm fine.
You're welcome for the Lauren Cooper spam.
She be my home-girl.

Friday, April 12, 2013

I've been trying to decide...

      ...if I want to post these or not. I don't really know if they're really good or not. I mean, I like them, but then...  : /  I don't know. It'd be something like the first chapter of Grace and Choice (btw at some point I'm going to change the name. I haven't come up with one yet, so I'm stuck with G and C for now.) I was going to save them for Nanowrimo, but I just don't really know. If anyone couldn't, I've been REALLY brain dead lately. And I mean no inspiration, no motivation, nothing. Even my music isn't helping this time.
Going to the flea market tomorrow. That's exciting. Maybe I'll find something interesting there.
    Kira went last week, and she told me about this cool dagger she found. She says she'll probably get it this time. I've no clue what I'm gonna get. Me and the others are just gonna browse, probably. Hopefully I can find a nice hatchet, and if I'm lucky, it'll come with a frog-belt kind of sheath. That'd be really nifty. (hahaha I used a Kate word)
    Finally got to watch the first episode of DW that aired a couple weeks ago, and it was okay. Still not a huge fan of Clara (OSWIN FOR THE WIN EHEHE) and everyone keeps hating on Eleven just because Ten was "a better doctor". Eleven's just a baby. You can't hate him. It's just not right. He's too adorable.
    Anyway, it's reaaaaaaaally late, and you've already seen the nonsense that can be extracted from my black-hole of a brain at this hour, so I'll probably get off now. Maybe not. Maybe I'll raid Tumblr or S.U. or something. Or NETFLIX. I dunno. Kira's been trying to get me to start an RP blog, and I'm kind of terrified to do so.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


HALLO. Well, I guess you could tell by the title that I'M SO FRIGGEN HAPPY RIGHT NOW. Anyway, I'm just writing this because I don't really have any other way to express my feelings right now. So, long story short, about a year ago I watched this adorable animated music video thing that told the story of a pair of twins, a boy and a girl. The girl gets taken as an infant to be raised to dance for the dragon that terrorizes their land, and the other girls who've done this in the past always die, and that is her fate as well. When the boy gets older, he starts a quest to rescue her. There were two videos when I started watching, and the second ended with the brother wounding the dragon and LITERALLY ENDS WITH HIM REACHING OUT TO HER AND THEN BLACKS OUT and I'm sitting there at my computer like AWW YISS PART THREE but the internet was like WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT THERE IS NO PART 3. So I went on, like, a three hour YouTube/internet scan and zip nada nothing. I found something somewhere that said it was discontinued or something but then low and behold today, like a year later, I'm like "I really feel like listening to that" and OMG PART 3 NO JOKE and I watched it and it was amazing and happy and ugh now I'm crying and fangirling and this song is going on my phone NOWWWWWWW. SOOOO yeah, now you know what I do in my spare time but OMG OVERWHELMING JOY RIGHT NOW.
Thank you for putting up with me.
Also, I think I'm figured out what cosplay I'm doing for AZ so SUPER EXCITED just gotta approve with the mother. Wish me luck!!!

Just adding to this, I'm reading the comments below and apparently part 3 came freaking 4 years after part 2. OMG I'm so glad I didn't have to wait THAT long. It was still a horrible wait, though. FINALLY, RETRIBUTION!!!!   >:]